Case Study
TARGETED MESSAGINGTargeted messaging delivered through the right channels ensures your message resonates with the intended audience, captures their attention, and drives meaningful engagement and conversions.
Delivering the Right Content Through the Right Channels
Targeted messaging ensures your communication is tailored to the specific needs, preferences, and challenges of your intended audience. By delivering content that speaks directly to their motivations, you create a deeper connection that captures their attention and fosters trust. Using the right channels to deliver these messages further amplifies their impact, ensuring they reach your audience at the right time and place, leading to higher conversion rates and long-term customer loyalty.

Delivering Targeted Messaging Through the Right Channels to Convert Prospects
A local personal services business wanted to add paid media advertising to its marketing tactics to generate additional customers. The business served two distinct market segments: males and females. While the business’ service offering was virtually the same for both segments, each market segment had different motivations, utilized different online channels, and sought different types of information in making a purchasing decision.
In seeking to build a male clientele, the business attempted to tweak its paid ads on Yelp which had been successful in generating leads among female customers. However, engagment from potential male customers remained low. In-depth interviews with existing male clients revealed that men were looking for detailed information on the service and were not relying on word-of-mouth recommendations. In addition, they were much less likely to leave reviews about the service than were women.
The business developed a separate messaging strategy to reach potential male customers. Recognizing that men were seeking information about the service through internet searches, the firm developed a paid Google ad campaign that focused on educating men about the benefits of the service. The ad campaigns linked to a FAQ section on the firm’s website that contained content specifically focused on the needs of men. Marketing to women continued through Yelp and Facebook which were ideal to reach women who were looking for social proofing through reviews, comments and ratings.